Weblog/journal/rss/feed related content, pages, tools. Thok Blogs will generally be announced here later.
Frequently Updated
Photography is my primary social communication mechanism... Here be dragonflies!
- My Flickr gallery. I have
found about 5% of my shooting interesting enough to post, though
sometimes there are reasons to post beyond basic photographic quality.
- My original "photomoblog" from 2003-2005,
Burn Before Reading (yes, it predates the
book of the same title) based on taking pictures with a PDA with a
wifi card and an email client, and turning them into an index and an
RSS feed. (Mostly created to explore why this was even interesting -
why were people so excited by a presentation concept that could be
implemented in 50 lines of shell script?)
New experiments:
Ice Cream! (direct rss
feed) Inspired by
otherwise-disappointing "Massachusetts Ice Cream Trail", I started
visiting and documenting ice cream shops in Massachusetts, with
pictures and vaguely consistent details. This tasty journey also
served as an opportunity to play with Enrico Zini's
and Bastian
Venthur's blag
in a context
where it wouldn't make sense to write anything about blogging,
thus avoiding the usual traps.
THOK Operational Notes While assembling the
plumbing for the ice cream blog, I kept needing to write down
explanations for some of the problems and solutions. In proper
XKCD 927 style, rather than writing things
up in one of my existing blogs, I started a new one, but this time
it seems to have worked.
Conventional Social
Some of these are more "presence" than "output", but the main thing is
that they're someone else's platform.
MIT Mastodon
Mastodon is
the best place to chat with me real-time.
BlueSky is another
place I hang out (Flickr updates get posted here too.)
Amazon I've
only recently started thinking about my amazon "presence" as a
social media component, but I review enough things (which already
show up in trackforward above) and have enough
readers (over 150 "that was helpful" clicks - nothing epic, but
not unheard ramblings either...)
Linked-in Profile which serves as an excellent zero-maintenance
substitute for a resume - especially since most of the work came
though personal contacts in the first place, not blind resume sending
- Had a GitLab gitlab account for years
just for access to some bug lists, only recently noticed how
advanced it has gotten - still need to set up a personal instance,
but I'm starting to move personal projects over there - at least
ones I actually want contributors for, like qlabels.
GitHub in order to do
lazy sharing of a project or two, without figuring out how to
publish directly from here. See also my GitHub Gists.
itself has been a fine source of cutting-edge gadgets over the
past couple of years...
Overflow started turning up in enough google hits that I
signed up, and answered a few obscure X11 and Python
Reddit comments which are also in the trackforward feed below
FriendFeed ( formerly
) which doesn't have
anything that isn't on this page, it just glues it together
chronologically. FriendFeed is now a raw redirect to
facebook, which is beyond "stale" and well into hostile.
Google Profile which is almost as circular as FriendFeed is
Google Scholar profile; most of it is "With Microscope and
Tweezers", a little bit of Zephyr work, and a pile of
Arepa-derived patents related to "software on demand", back
when cable internet was a cool new thing.
Dead Tree Collector
which only has a couple of shelves so far, but should soon
become my main reference, with ISBNs mirrored to Google "My
Library" for search. In 2017, they finally got an Android app
with barcode scanning, so this is finally back to being an
inventory problem and not software one.
which I bootstrapped with a 2012 LibraryThing export and the most
recent ASINs from my kindle backups, so it's still sparse but
not bad for recent stuff and "live" recommendations.
Rarely Updated
was only set up to post High School Reunion pictures back in
2009; basically dead (last login 2019.)
My Dreamwidth (formerly My LiveJournal until the Russians bought it)
used to carry technical content, but THOK is
real enough at this point that all of my new writing ends up there.
OurDoings was set up to
experiment with "story-telling with pictures" but it didn't really
click for me (not that anything else has done better.)
YouTube since they dropped the
post-upload image stabilization, and since my Flickr API client
handles video now, I rarely upload.
Twitter Only Mostly Dead, but there
are a few people I don't have any other links to. No API access
anymore, so I don't use it on my phone but still check in at most
once a week (and log out after the first three "blocked because I
regret reading that" posts, which is down below five minutes these
Dead but embalmed
Trackforward needed a sufficiently flexible browser-page-hooking mechanism; until 2019 this was Conkeror on top of XULRunner but that's no longer possible. This is one of the things that POSSE could fix if there were a sensible way to make microblogging a direct way to respond to things.
Trackforward is an insufficiently-automated scraper of my postings on
other sites. It's a way of capturing one of the larger chunks of my
writing, and a way of claiming my words as mine; anything actually
posted by me should show up here relatively quickly. (This is one of
those things that should really be part of the web-as-a-platform, but
where to put it? Proxy, browser, disqus? Everyone should have one of
these but I don't know how to give it to them...)
Other blogs, galleries, and wikis
my former MIT blog -
low traffic because it's a weak implementation
(in terms of features, not just because it uses ASP.NET) and
because a Safari bug gets in the way of posting. (Too bad it
has the good name...) appears to have
burned down fallen into the hands of the
MIT Geonumerics department.
- My former Blogspot blog is now
just another THOK.ORG blog section
after I concluded that other people's tools were interesting but not for me, and that
self-hosted MarkDown was
the way, the truth, and the light :-)
Wordpress placeholder so I can authenticate in order to comment on other wordpress blogs.
Playing with Dave Winer's OPML tool, I've got a
temporary OPML blog
set up, mostly with bug reports about the tool is also gone,
though has
plenty of tech and standards docs.
My link
- My GigaPan
gigapixel panorama gallery. I still have the 1st-gen hardware,
it's just very tedious to use - and things like the Sony
DSC-HX1 "sweep panorama" mode should be able to outdo it soon.
StackOverflow Careers 2.0 is clearly trying to be "LinkedIn 2.0"
and has direct connections with "stuff the cool kids use"
like Github and Google Code. (renamed to jobs, and then discontinued 2022-04-01.)
My secondary
picasaweb (google) gallery
where I store bulk "all the shots from this
event" things, so as not to clutter my "photostream" on flickr.
(Hint: flickr, you need a feature like this :-)
Gitorious is dead (but I didn't
actually have any of my projects there, just commenting access to others.)
C2 Wiki Last time I touched it was 2004
but as it is the original wiki,
I can't really bring myself to move it to the
"embalmed" list, especially as it's still getting legitimate
edits. Per the last changed page on the
site they actually
embalmed the site itself in early 2015 because people are
but the links still work.