
Weblog/journal/rss/feed related content, pages, tools. Thok Blogs will generally be announced here later.

Frequently Updated

Trackforward is an insufficiently-automated scraper of my postings on other sites. It's a way of capturing one of the larger chunks of my writing, and a way of claiming my words as mine; anything actually posted by me should show up here relatively quickly. (This is one of those things that should really be part of the web-as-a-platform, but where to put it? Proxy, browser, disqus? Everyone should have one of these but I don't know how to give it to them...)


Photography is my primary social communication mechanism... Here be dragonflies!


New experiments:


Conventional Social

Some of these are more "presence" than "output", but the main thing is that they're someone else's platform.

Dead Tree Collector

Rarely Updated

Dead but embalmed