Progress on vim
support (which turned out to merely be a
highlighting mode for
output) inspired me to apply some
torque to the emacs
mode. The blocking task (#8239
) was to
simply get a list of tags out, somehow. What I realized recently
was that tag completion was important, but didn't have to be perfect;
if the only way to get tags was expensive, we'd just have to keep a
cache. Thus we now have which uses
to get all of your tasks, and
discard everything but the tags themselves...
When I run it, I get 90 tags, at the cost downloading 800K of XML; it takes about 6 seconds, from here. This feels... unecological :-) and I've erred in favor of not doing it at all, over "doing it wrong". I think I'll manually stash the value every so often, rather than automatically invoke this, until someday when newer APIs appear that let me get just the tags out.
Thus, --elisp > ~/.hiveminder_tags.el
should suffice for now, and I can move on with the rest of the